医療法人社団百子会 やまな病院

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故 前理事長 山名正俊のアトリエ

第6回「暇にまかせてpart1」 2001


  • *You have many personal talents that are attractive to others.
  • *You will witness a special ceremony.
  • *You will pass a difficult test that will make happier.
  • *You will receive a favor or kindness from someone.
  • *You have the ability to make life long friends.
  • *You have creative power to achieve your aim.
  • *You are heading for a land of sunshine.
  • *You will soon be holding the lucky number.
  • *You are entiring a time of great promise and overdue rewards.
  • *You will soon gain something you have always wanted.
  • *You will be advanced socially, without any special effort on your part.
  • *You will be an honored guest at a pleasant social occasion.
  • *You should be pleased with answers you are given now.
  • *You will travel far and wide, for both pleasure and business.
  • *You are bright. So give out that light.
  • *You have an optimistic outlook on life, for very good reason.
  • *You will be recognized and honored as a community leader.
  • *You will be called to fill a position of high honor and responsibility.
  • *You will live in interesting times and, if lucky, survive them.
  • *You are generous, affectionate and impulsive.
  • *You will be offered a high executive position with an attractive salary.
  • *You will be fortunate in the opportunities presented for you.
  • *You can breeze through most of the day.
  • *You are interested in public service and would make an outstanding statesman.
  • *You will dance to a different beat next summer.
  • *You should be able to undertake and complete anything.
  • *You will be singled out for promotion.
  • *You will meet an important person who will help you advance professionally.
  • *You are deeply attached to your family and home.
  • *You have a natural grace and great consideration for others.
  • *You will be fortunated in the opportunities presented to you.




診療時間 午前9:00〜12:00
休診日 土曜日の午後および


(医)社団百子会 やまな内科整形外科

岡山県倉敷市児島下の町 10-2-12



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